Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Cutchshaws 2009

Just a couple of weeks before Christmas and all through my brain,
Are images of the past year that made me nearly go insane.

A bad car wreck, whip lash and a bump on my head,
Made my brain swell, my sense of smell go crazy and I had to stay in bed.

Jolie had a concussion, and Adrian’s neck got a slip disc,
The car was totaled as it landed sideways into a ditch.

Luckily, we are all alive and are finally now on the mend,
I sure hope lightning won’t strike twice as I couldn’t handle that again.

At the beginning of the year, Nicholas was diagnosed,
With PDD-NOS/ autism and our hearts sure felt broke.

With speech and occupational therapy and attending a special school,
He has made progress in leaps and bounds and we think that’s really cool.

Mollie started kindergarten and loves it so much,
She is a big girl reading and writing and she even rides the bus.

Mollie would like a fruit salad from Santa; her Christmas list is rather funny,
She’s been visited by the tooth fairy twice and had fun spending her own money.

Fischer is in third grade and all through school he’s just wishing,
That instead of doing math facts, he could be with his daddy fishing.

He played defense for the football team and was awarded best tackle of the season,
From the sidelines, you sure could hear all the Cutchshaws cheerin’ and screamin’!

For the first time, Sydney likes school and it’s working out wonderfully,
Thanks to the teachers at the middle school, especially to Mrs. Perry.

Sydney has caught the performing bug and is staring in some plays,
She is the sweetest girl with the biggest heart and is loving in every way.

Jolie’s a sophomore and is learning how to drive, imagine how old I feel,
But she has to sit in Mollie’s booster seat to see over the steering wheel.

Jolie is in her seventh season with the Main Stage Players Theatre,
She’s blazing the trail; to her brothers and sisters she’s a great leader.

Adrian’s about retired, business has been that slow,
But he’s become more of a stay at home mom, practically running the show.

I can’t believe he’s stayed with me for ten years, must have a thing for girls who are crazed,
And I have a thing for my old man who for his 50th birthday got some hearing aids.

A Clock, a Coffee Pot, and a Field of Lilies is on its second printing,
I hope Daddy’s in heaven looking down at us, very proudly grinning.

I am still writing my advice column and just got syndicated,
As you might imagine, “Lula Belle” is quite elated.

Our friends and family helped us this year on the days that were rather tough,
For all your love and support, words just aren’t enough.

The year was full of highs and lows, some days my head is not on straight,
So you should be amazed that you got this card and it wasn’t even late!

Merry Christmas! Love, Abigail, Adrian, Jolie, Sydney, Fischer, Mollie, and Nicholas

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