Adrian is a nature lover. He shares his passion of the outdoors with the children. Adrian catches all kinds of weird bugs and critters for the kids to see. On our porch, you will find a craw fish, birds nests, spiders, bugs, lizards, salamanders and a big bucket which used to house a snake! It was snake number two. The first one was a little black snake. The children were very fond of it. They carried it around and showed all of their friends and neighbors. They insisted on taking it on walks when we would go on our evening strolls.
Then Adrian caught a new snake and we let the first one go back to nature. The new snake was more interesting because it was a feisty little thing! It did cool things like coil and strike! We had fun putting stuff in his big bucket to provoke him. The kids loved poking sticks in there to see how fast they could move as the snake would jump at them. I was concerned it was a venomous snake because of how aggressive it was. Adrian insisted it was a "black snake" just like the other one. He assured me it was! So the new snake hung out in his big bucket by our front door for a few days. He would try to jump out of it (it's a really huge bucket, like for toys) every time we went out the door and startled it. Fischer caught grasshoppers and crickets for it to eat. We gave it water and lots of stuff to slither around in comfortably.
Yesterday, our next door neighbor came over and saw our new snake. She screamed and said, "What in the world are y'all doing with a cotton mouth on your front porch?? It is a poisonous snake!!"
So, I checked on line and sure enough, my husband had captured a venomous snake to give to his kids as a little pet. Nice! Adrian, you are getting old. You need your eyes checked!
The new snake is back to nature. All is well.
What a funny story! I bet you had fun teasing Adrian about it when you found out it was poisonous. How is it that the women's always right? J/K! I'm happy to hear that the snake is back in the wild.
Oh Abi! What would I do without you as my friend! You always crack me up with your true life stories! I love you!
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