Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Daddy Test

The Daddy test was given to Adrian nearly nine years ago. Jolie and Sydney were three and five years old. I was a single mother and even though Adrian and I were falling in love (I say Fall ING because we are still falling and I pray we never "land.") Any way... so we were falling in love and I knew I wanted to marry him, but he was 40 years old and had never been a father before. I thought it would be good to have a series of tests to see if he would be a good father or not. The first test was a very simple one.

It was right before Christmas and I had to work at the church for the Christmas Pageant. We lived right across the street from our church. I told him his task was to strap Sydney into the stroller, hold Jolie's hand, meet me at the church, go through the pageant, and then go back to my apartment and then play for a little while until I came home.

Easy chessey! No big deal. Adrian was doing great. He thought it was a breeze. But when he got the girls back home and got Sydney out of the stroller, Sydney pushed Jolie to the floor. Jolie started crying. Adrian knelt down and comforted her. He said, "It's OK, it's just a little boo boo." She let him hold her. They were bonding. Adrian was pleased with his great fathering skills. They shared a cuddle moment. And then he looked around and said, "Oh, crap! Where's Sydney?"

He ran upstairs and found Sydney standing on the vanity in the bathroom with a pair of scissors in her hand going chop, chop, chop! Adrian saw gobs of beautiful golden curls all over the floor!

He said, "Oh, crap! Your Mom is going to kill me! She's never going to trust me alone with y'all again!"

About that time, I came home. Adrian had tears in his eyes and he was so sorry. I know he thought I was going to be mad. But I wasn't. I said, "Do you want to run away?" And he said, "No." So I said, "Well....then you passed the test!"

Thank you Adrian for being a fabulous father! You are one in a million!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are lucky women for sure...even though guys NEVER do it the same as we do, ya' know!! Ummm....sometimes they do it better!!