Mollie is the fourth child out of five in this family. She is five years old and just finished kindergarten. She has a way with words and she cracks me up daily. We often comment on "Mollie-isms" but we have to be careful not to encourage her to be funny on purpose. She's just funny when she's being herself not thinking about it. Here are just a few highlights this week.
Fischer: Mollie, do you like Hannah Montana?
Mollie: Well, yes, but you wouldn't understand.
Fischer: Wouldn't understand what?
Mollie: I know you are going to say she is doing bad stuff but just because she's sexy doesn't mean she's not good. Any ways, I like being sexy. It's pretty. And she sings good too.
Fischer: Well, you know she dances on a stripper pole.
Mollie: What's a stripper pole?
Fischer: I am not sure, but I think it's bad.
Mollie: Mom, what's a stripper pole?
Me: Um, well, I think it's just a pole and some dancers swing around it and they take their clothes off.
Fischer: (laughs)
Mollie: Well, I wouldn't do THAT!! That is silly! 'Cause if you are swinging around a pole you could get really hurt. You might fall and then you couldn't be a good singer if you fall down and you'd be all like, 'Ahhh, I am so hurt!' "
Yesterday, Mollie said her bedtime prayer in a British accent. I asked her afterwards if she thought that was reverent or not and she said (still in the British accent), "Of course it is! Don't be silly."
And I said, "I am not being silly. Talking to God is really sweet and He looks forward to hearing from you every day. He may not understand what you are saying with that accent. I think you should try again and be sincere this time, please."
So, she closed her eyes and was quiet for a minute. Then, she opened them and said, "I hope it is OK with you that I said a silent prayer that time."
"That's fine, honey. Sometimes those are the best ones."
"So, do you think God liked it?"
"I know He did!"
Then she started giggling as I was walking out the door.
I paused outside the room and I heard her say, "Nicholas, she doesn't know I can talk in a British accent in my own head!"
Goodnight, Mollie.
Mollie woke up this morning and still had the British accent. She came upstairs and asked me, "What is for breakfast, Mother Darling, and can I please have an English Muffin?"
I asked her what the accent was all about and she said she was practicing for when she grows up. So, I asked her what she wants to do when she grows up.
"Well, Mother Darling, (as she sips her orange juice with her pinkie up) I would like to be a ballerina, which you already know, but I just found out yesterday I would like to be in the Army too."
"The Army? Really?"
"Oh, yes, Mother Dear. Yesterday Fischer told me girls can be in the Army and they have a cafeteria there with an ice cream machine and then Daddy told me you can get as much ice cream as you want. So, I am going to go there AND be a ballerina at the same time."
"That makes sense."
Ohhh, I wish they could stay five years old for longer than one year. It is almost a shame they have to grow up and become people.
P.S. I removed the story about finding hope. I was only leaving it here temporarily for several reasons. Thank you for all the love which has been showering over me this week. I am such a lucky woman!
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