Don't forget to mark your calendars for June 9 (Tuesday) at 7:30 pm!
At First Presbyterian Church in Gainesville, we are hosting a dessert reception to launch of the J. Michael Hosford Foundation.
I will be reading three chapters from the book: A Clock, a Coffee Pot, and a Field of Lilies. Matthew Hoyle will be playing his guitar and singing.
Here is a sneak preview of the book, taken from chapter 2, "A Pathway to Enlightenment"
I was only a little girl, but have always known his palm sized book held so many answers for him. Sometimes I would read it after he would leave for the office. I felt I was somehow unlocking a secret formula when I would sneak a peek into his private thoughts. We could ponder the same things all day and we would be together that way, even though he was going to be gone, being very busy. Sometimes I would put the book to my nose and smell it. Hints of coffee, cologne, toothpaste and fabric softener lingered on whatever my father touched.
Daddy took everything life handed him one day at a time. Sometimes he would say in order to stay sober, he had to do it "just for today." He did not worry about tomorrow. He did not dwell on the past. He focused on today. "This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it," was the scripture we chose for his funeral. How fitting. Today was all he ever had.
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