The purpose of the essay is to challenge young adults to examine important character values such as love, loyalty, generousity, courage, compassion and perseverance. They had to pick a well known quote and write about how they use it in their lives.
The quote Jolie chose doesn't surprise me. My friend, Amanda, gave us this little quote in a frame after Daddy's funeral. It is on a shelf next to his picture and we read it every day. As we approach the anniversary of the day he left us and went to God, I am smiling because it happened. Jolie is too. I am so proud of her. She is a wonderful example to us all. Here's her winning essay:
“Don’t cry because it is over; smile because it happened.”
--Dr. Seuss
Losing my grandfather, “Boompa,” was the hardest thing I have ever been through. He had cancer. We thought he was winning his battle, but he suddenly took a turn for the worse at the end of April. I remember standing by his bedside. He looked so handsome and peaceful, even on his last day. I got to tell him goodbye. I got to tell him how much I loved him. I am so glad I had that chance. But it was incredibly sad.
--Dr. Seuss
Losing my grandfather, “Boompa,” was the hardest thing I have ever been through. He had cancer. We thought he was winning his battle, but he suddenly took a turn for the worse at the end of April. I remember standing by his bedside. He looked so handsome and peaceful, even on his last day. I got to tell him goodbye. I got to tell him how much I loved him. I am so glad I had that chance. But it was incredibly sad.
I tried not to cry in front of anyone. Everyone was holding back tears. Eventually I couldn’t hold the tears back any longer. I went into a room by myself and finally let it all out. I wondered how I could ever feel happy again because I had never felt so low before. Boompa passed away later that night. I cried for days and days. I just missed him so much. I was sad that he won’t be at my plays. I was sad he won’t be able to teach me to drive a car. I was sad he will miss my graduation. I was sad that he will miss walking me down the aisle when I get married with my father, because I was so close to him, he was like my father too. And when I was little, before my mother married the man who adopted me, Boompa was the only father I had. How could I ever be happy knowing he is gone?
Eventually, my grief turned into gratitude. Trying not to think about Boompa only made me more devastated and only made me cry more, so instead I let myself think about him. Good memories began filling my heart. I remembered spending the night with my grandparents last year and watching High School Musical 2 with Boompa. It was cheesy, but the two of us enjoyed watching it together. Boompa was a pediatrician and he said he always had to keep up with what was cool for children so he would be able to talk about it at the office. He would pretend to see different characters in children’s ears while giving an exam, and so he needed to always be current with the times. Whenever I was little, he would see Barney, Big Bird and later, Zac Effron or Brad Pitt in my ears if I had an earache.
I began remembering all my summers spent with my grandparents at their pool or at the beach. Boompa loved having all his children and grandchildren around him. He was a family man. Boompa used to take me out in the ocean to find sand dollars. He would hold my hands and help me jump waves. He would tell me stories about the phases of the moon, the currents and the tides of the sea. Boompa loved to read, but at the poolside, he would always look up from his book and watch me and my brothers and sisters do tricks in our swimming or diving. He would cheer for us.
The memories of my grandfather now fill the space he left when he passed away. I still miss him more than anything, but I can now smile every time I think about him. It is okay to be sad. But it is also good to count your blessings too. And because of my Boompa, my life is filled with many, many blessings. I am so glad he was in my life, even though it was much too short.
--Jolie Cutchshaw age 14
She is so mature! I think that essay was amazing.. Give Jolie (and the rest of the fam) my love!
Go Jolie!!!
She seems to have inherited her mother's writing ability. Wow!
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