Jolie says, "All the tears, all the pain, all the money.....it was worth it all!" Jolie got her braces off this morning. Her orthodontist gave her a goodie bag FULL of all the hard, sticky candy she has been restricted from during the past few years. When I saw her for the first time, I got pretty choked up. She is so beautiful. The receptionist at the office said, "I can't believe she's so grown up! I'm gonna really miss her!" You have to understand that Jolie has been going to this orthodontist office (Field & Wilson) since she was about 6 years old! I said, "Don't cry...Sydney's still in braces and we've got three more to come after that!" My mom made her promise not to retire until Nicholas gets his. Let's just hope that the younger three don't have to wear braces. Not that we don't love Dr. Wilson, (plus he's really pretty hot. My sisters and my mother call him Dr. Hottie and it embarrasses the girls no end!) but I'll never have a new car at the rate we pay for orthodonture! Jolie can't wait to give her Daddy a BIG HUG when he comes home to say THANK YOU for investing in this million dollar smile! We miss you, Adrian. Give your sisters and all your family a hug from us. We really wish we could be there too. xoxoxo
Stunning - simply stunning!!! Jolie, your smile radiates your inner beauty! Keep smiling!!!
btw...I don't know if Dr. Wilson is a "hottie" or not; but I'll trust Bec and Mother and support "sisters" in the plural :-)
Wow! What a difference, isn't that funny! I almost didn't recognize Jolie :) I can speak from personal experience it is the BEST feeling in the world to get rid of your teeth grate (I had them TWICE). Congratulations on your smooth smile - and we are missing not being with the whole family too :( I'm glad they could make it out for the funeral - what a big blessing that was.
Wow! What an awesome smile!
Yes, J, he is a hottie. I am sorry, I meant to say sister in the singular. In fact, Rebecca and her friends used to watch him mow the grass when they were in high school. He's pretty dreamy. It's so funny that the girls do not like us calling him Dr. Hottie. In fact, when I asked Sydney if she thought he was cute, she said, "Ew, gross! He's old!" Which is funny because he's younger than me! Regardless, both Dr. Field and Dr. Wilson did a wonderful job on Jolie's teeth. Dr. Field convinced Jolie to wear the herbst, which was horrible and painful, because he used one for Miss Georiga when she had braces. He promised her she'd have a great smile just like Amy and he was right!
Forget about the Dr being a hottie, Jolie's the one who's hot!
Oh, and I feel your pain on paying for braces. Ryan had the REP and braces, as she mentioned here, Kara had'em twice AND the REP and Cassidie had braces, too.
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