Do you know what you were doing exactly four years ago today? We do! Let's see, I was delivering a baby and Adrian caught her in his own two hands! What a beautiful experience that was! Mollie Katherine has been charming since day one. She is such a delightful child!
We are celebrating with her friends at the park this afternoon. We have been making special cupcakes for her "Princess-Rainbow" party. Mollie is such a doll. She is so cute and sweet. I wish she could stay little forever.
Oh, golly! It seems the four years have flown by. Happy birthday to one of my two favorite four year olds. We love you Mollie!
Aunt Melissa
Ditto Aunt Melissa's comments - we love our "cousin" Mollie - Happy Birthday!
Wow! Mollie did have quite the party. What a haul!
We're sorry you had such a rough week. I've heard of things coming in bunches, but that was ridiculous. Thank you so much for making my mother's life so happy.
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