It is hard to believe our baby is three years old now! Nicholas had a wonderful birthday celebration with the two little boys who go to my Itty Bitty Preschool, Jackson and Tucker, along with Mollie, Jolie, Sydney, and Fischer. These guys are Nicholas' best friends. Nicholas blew out candles in an ice cream sundae. He got lots of neat gifts and especially loves his brand new tricycle! He is so lucky to have four older siblings who take care of him so lovingly. Nicholas also got a new back pack and a new jacket with his favorite movie character, Wall-E. Nicholas started going to big boy school at the prekindergarten Special Ed for speech therapy once a week. He thought school was terrific. He made rice krispie treats and played with toys. He has no idea he is working hard, just thought he was playing. Perfect. Nicholas is a joy and a blessing to our family. We feel each day with him is a wonderful gift. Happy Birthday Nicholas! We love you! xoxoxo